How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2024 Into a Whole New Game Summer of Gaming 2023

what's that everyone stella trying here have you been feeding for some more cream cyber punk content well look no further because i have gave i'm a tangible.

allow game director palace as go questor actor here with me today to answer all questions about cyber punk twenty seventy seventh upcoming dlc see phantom liberty welcome ninety and summer gaming lo que lo great.

How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game  Summer of Gaming 2023
How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game Summer of Gaming 2023
we're actually nicely ghostwritten on our toys everything you are surrounded by fellow nerds we can learn how to learn a little dinner will get your restarts you for the background. 

okay so i'm just going to dive right in said this is obviously a spy thriller so are we gonna get any no war ask sequences of course it's a cyber punk swipe thriller road so or nor is there for way at the heart on and we've got within the the the spy portion of it you're going to have some of the true.


op's if you will know that you

get to emerge in and and we were going to go without spoilers here but on things that you could imagine you get some kind of role playing in this as and it's yeah maybe we can cut some inspirations we had because like quite early when we're discussing a like fandom liberty there was an idea of like you know going with a spy thriller vibe in the.

bond movies

i remember like one of us i know who that was was thrown be or tinker tailor soldier spy movie as an inspiration in their the bridge of spies came in and it also bond movies and you know like in even like ocean's eleven so like and actually have a dab of bourne identity dog double born yeah so like actually the or phantom liberty takes you to the trip from like really.

you know vince atmosphere that we haven't though some spy thriller movies to actual movies when you feel like a bond at some moments and you really heavy action sequences so all of that is there so did you include like a special bond to ask a weapon them yes but some try to skirt around i mean there's everything you can imagine like him. 

a loveless

for that with those put it that way we were really excited about this because it allowed us to put vienna situation with kind of a new kind of category of characters and will from the president's with course sleeper agents to other mysterious characters arm and then we have occurred hansen who's like a sort of of on militia guy that's kind of taken over dogtown ah.

all human and away and that was part

i'm all the intrigue there but as you get into the narrative and as you explore it you also see that they're all human and away and that was part of the fond of saying this new kind of category of characters but still that ridge complexity of the characters and okay so you touched on dogtown some very curious about this new area what can you tell us about this new area dogtown and. 

how many you've answered gigs

we can find their or there's once there's a bunch so yes so curve hansen sort of have defected from new saw after the war or any seize the opportunity to control the section our adjacent a nice city now called dogtown are one of his exploits as weapons dealing so there's gonna be some weapons try.

this layer of activity and agency

eating and dealing and stuff like that that happened there but that's not the sort of main story it's just kind of there's this layer of activity and agency in the world that happens with or without v and so it feels very live and you can interact and intersects yeah precisely we end up like with gabe actually going over the open world really like and trying to think like how to river.

eliza in a way you know what it could actually add you know to make it really feel alive you know and there's plenty actually that goes round you know v and happens around you in dalton but also the night city awesome so what sort of area is the pacific a combat zone and how does it differ from night city i mean it is it was the a a the say.

right or of conflict the unification war and you see some of the kind of after effects

over there but again again seize control by this sort of a military leader and it feels very oppressive it's very different ah bar guess which is the the faction that's under hansen i'm bill you know knocking around if you get.

out a line and so you've gotta be on edge a little bit so has a very different atmosphere and works either our players exploring and year like when designing doctor you're looking for ways you know how to make it like fit the game you know because like you can traverse from dotcom tonight city without in loading screen it's just a part of the game rachel we wanted to make it feel like needed to the game.

How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game  Summer of Gaming 2023
How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game Summer of Gaming 2023
You know to the night city itself but then there was this research of age groups that for this unique vibe would we can actually do to make it feel different and and i think we found that use you'll see like guard towers spotlights very armored gates getting in and out that kind of stuff people outside yeah so the for one oh okay i'm interested a check it out.

so we did touch on weapons and i know you don't want to swell matched by that

so i hear there's a new relic system that does power up some of your gear yes so early on oh when you meet songbird as seen in the trailer on she's a very powerful not runner and she's able to sort of a work through your relic to.


ooh allow you to empower some of your cyber were as well as fun exploits and other people cyber were so we offer some new ways to play the game okay that sounds very fine so we give examples yes yeah yeah i'm usually a good example of examples how to okay yes oh yes we we revitalize the lot of the the software system bomb you now can get in a city.

ration where you can i'm sort of just be armor cloud with somewhere so to speak and just barrel through people knock him out of the way pick him up throw them against the trucks and cars and stuff like that splat or not people across the the room you should the beverage of rockets right from your ah from his rocket launcher because before he had like one but the right now.

survive there and are as ration

when i upgraded you have like multiple one so it it feels great like you are just actually really feeling like this you know cyber geist you know human being you know running around night city a being does murky you know trying to survive there and are as ration was basically saying when you think about the cyber punk genre and you think about cyber were what are some of the fantasies of.

are you want to play so we really learned into it with giving

characters are players rather have a bunch of new actions a once in new ways they can build their character to fulfill these fantasies that's actually i cannot remember the name of him right now but i believe one of the characters from the cyber punk and may also had that ability so is that a call back and are going to see other abilities from the show in.

multiple shooting

oh is there's a reward mine he had them a minor had his own crew him he had this ability of yes shooting multiple forget in a way of this a comically reference maybe you can talk about a drummer person who are you spoil that use for that.

we've got the like us that we redid the cyber were system is so now there's a capacity meter and the more cyber were you slot the farther you push the edge and you can run over the edge and then there's a bit of a risk versus reward see i wanted to do that corny punchline show spoiler for an.

well yes so there is a new it is obviously a spy i mean it's in the lord's baked into the law but the response obviously was huge to and we definitely wanted to put it into the game. 

wow that's going to be really hard to juggle because you added and so many new things that keep on going to want to you as but now you're gonna be like he can use all of that so that's going to be very hard to balance but i'm very glad for that challenge so i yeah and just find the way you want to play another another way as you can jump in the air dash in the air block bullets with your caetano blade we've got vehicle com.

vehicles with the rockets

that as well where you can be on your a cure a style bike and and slash i'm tired of their caetano blade screech pull out your smg shoot cars down so our vehicles with the rockets actually happens with iraq is so they're actually pretty good you can have belleville a gun klingons and rockets in some of the best that we can obtain in the game on.

either as a quest reward or just you know by it as a player in the game so okay is that going to be something that's found everywhere in the city or just and the you portion so you'll be able to access like all that you know vehicle combat all the stuff but you do get introduced to or you get a a deeper relationship with a fixer in dogtown that then.

enables things like getting rockets

on your vehicle enhancing them a little bit more got it elio speaking of the fix or another characters that we might interact with we deathly need to talk about solomon read was played by eras elba who is a key character in this dlc so can you tell us all a bit more about him and his relationship other key characters in this dlc yeah so he is.

you know a sleeper agent sleeper sly on and through the story i'm i'm going to skirt around spoilers it right but through the story we we activate him and he has. 


i mean he's just he's just a bad ass and i'm i'm right i wanna say more but i don't want to spoil stuff on song played i don't know what else would i guess as well i guess we can mention the you know he's of course entangled when something's you know connected to use pass them throughout the story you're going to discover some of those things we will have to make some i would say key important difficult choice.

he says that will live you to slightly different outcomes throw that story little going to impact him in other characters. 

you know when you're right you play alongside him quite a bit yet another very important point and exactly and maybe we can mention that he's actually playing like one of the most important roles in the whole expansion of at of just of course v and you know jonah reeves of so johnny silver and back as well he has his own story arc but he is an elect going back to him.

idris elba he's an important character in that storing to like some people ask you know how much as their of him you know if you're gonna be gone after few scenes that's not the case we we really like he is the main character in that story really important person in their throat do all your interactions your craft up relationship.

oh okay so obviously the springs and a big chunk of another part of our story and so how does this affect the ending that we got in cyber punk and will there be additional multiple endings with this one dlc.

How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game  Summer of Gaming 2023
How Phantom Liberty Turns Cyberpunk 2077 Into a Whole New Game Summer of Gaming 2023
actually talking about this before and so oh yes as the trailer shows on songbird brings you in and out with the promise of being able to handle your issue with the relic i'm and yeah yes so it will affect outcomes in the base game as well as the story phantom livery within its.

multiple different variations of endings and things like that much as far as will go and how the farther you want to be. 

yeah like book you flick because this is a spy thriller like we are very cautious that the stories incredibly important here and spoiling any of that it will just ruin the experience for lot people so that's why we're very cautious of gave to say anything more okay now that's fair sell it then my final question to you would be since you want you will enjoy the content about how many new hours of.

female players

content you think people can expect from phantom liberty oh wow that requested right by the request of them as it is a it's a it's big there's a lot of stuff i'm an american to say like a number but it's a big expand it's also just because like i'm i'm female played it was yeah i'm not completely sure actually with the number would be to be honest like because we have them.

multiple different tests if you play as a player with a stealth place though it's significant longer than when you go to his guns blazing or even you play melee you know been you land somewhere in between that's one difficulty and nother difficulty is like new activities that we introduced of the airdrops of courier for he says that is even in a base game as deep mentioned they are of nature is they are infant.

so like in a way as a player you can keep going and

it's like how are we supposed to exactly say you know how much there is because like part of it it's your choice how you play i'm so that is difficulty one thing i guess we can say is that it's a large expansion not only just because that we have added the pretty substantial amount of theory rain. 

you know and years to explore but also just because of how many gameplay systems we have a we worked and all that just brings love new freshness do for new ways to play the game sounds like i have my work cut out for ice i gotta finish all my games first and then play this but thank you so much for all your insight into this and keeping us if he skips that we definition have gotten but we did sell.

i think that it's our idea of that this or what

well for more cyber punk twenty seventy seven years be sure to stay right here on idea for all the latest updates and don't forget to keep tuned for more summer of gaming content this month for all beginning years


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